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Monday, August 24, 2009

RAI's Official Online Radio by Last.fm

If your music is on last.fm and your not connected to RAI yet, then boy you better get to it. RAI just keeps on offering some really awesome free stuff for upcoming bands and artists! The most recent is the aStore, where people can purchase connected artists' tracks, albums, and merchandise. The aStore can be found at the bottom of this blog or HERE!

Previously, one month ago to be exact, RAI set up an online radio with last.fm, the leading free music streaming site in the world. The online radio features artists connected to RAI and similar artists to those already connected. If you are an artists and are either not yet connected with RAI or do not have a last.fm account, I highley suggest you get on that. With the new last.fm radio widget being displayed currently at the top left of this page it is easier and easier for others to listen to your music. AND that's not even the best part.... *drumroll* ... You get paid royalties for letting last.fm play your songs online! And guess what... every play on RAI's new widget gets you even more royalties. So there's no reason to not sign up with RAI and last.fm . And be sure to join RAI's last.fm group here!


OH! Did I also mention that with a new widget by Amazon.com your music can also be featured ON-Demand in the sidebar! With this Widget your music can actually be purchased in full! Again this service is completely free to take advantage of.


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